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About Us


Our story

A letter from the founders

We didn’t expect to start a company together. But a trio of personal experiences, and a shared frustration with conventional medicine would bring us together after almost twenty years.

Read full letter
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Founders from Left to Right: Craig, Carrie, Scot

Our Cause

Preserving local farmland

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Supporting the Preservation of Farmland

Our store offers Haskill’s own organic products and others we carefully source from trusted partners. Store proceeds enable Haskill to direct financial support to our nonprofit partner the Save Farmland Fund. Save Farmland works to preserve local farmland.

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A Holistic Vision of Wellness

At Haskill we aim to do two main things– spotlight high quality products that help people live happier, healthier lives, and reinvest in preserving farmland and open spaces. Our dual mission is simple: take care of the land, take care of yourself!

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Our Products

Business done the Haskill Way

Through direct financial contributions and hosting fundraising events, Haskill Creek Farms supports the preservation of local farmland and open spaces through the Save Farmland Fund.

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1% for the Planet dark logo

1% for the PlanetHaskill Creek Farms is a member of 1% for the planet, a group of businesses committed to giving back at least one percent of their company’s equity, time, product or profits to community nonprofits.
Save Farmland Logo

Save Farmland FundThe Save Farmland Fund raises money to purchase and preserve farmland and open spaces in the Flathead Valley.
USDA Organic

USDA OrganicWe operate on of the only USDA certified organic hemp farms in all of Montana. We take organic practices seriously, as we believe it results in a superior product for our customers.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration; and, the products mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
© Copyright 2022 Haskill Creek Farms, LLC
Illustrations created by Macrovector